


こんにちは(?) 大学入って3学期分が経過して、大体の大学化学の様相がつかめたようなきがするので とりあえずまとめておきます。 高校では理論化学・無機化学・有機化学の3つのパートに分けられていますが、 大学ではもうちょっと細かく深くなります。 …

Final presentation What is depression?

Good morning everyone. Some people may think it's not a good morning. Some people may feel depressed because the exam is coming soon. Or, I think that anyone who has lived for nearly 20 years has experienced at least one sinking feeling. I…

Mid term presentation "Food pioneer"

Good morning everyone. In this presentation, I will introduce a person whom I respect. All of a sudden, Is there anyone who doesn't recognize this image? Is there anyone who has never eaten this food? I'm sure he isn't. It looks really del…

Unit 2 A great vacation idea

Good morning, everyone. Have you ever seen truly beautiful landscapes? Are you tired of the humid heat of Aichi? Do you want to spend more comfortable place for travel? If the answer is yes, I have the perfect the perfect vacation for you …

Unit1 The person I admire

Good morning everyone We learned many people’s lives since we were born How many great people we know and their lives? Today I want to talk about a person I admire His name is Alan Turning, a scientist I’m going to talk about his life, ach…


2日連続で悪夢を見た追記 3日連続で見ました…明らかに何かがトリガーだと思うんだけどいったい何がトリガーなんですかね?

